Conditions Temperature Precipitation Direction UV index Pressure
08:00 - 09:00 mc_day Cloudy 12.7° - NNE NNE - 1010 hPa
09:00 - 10:00 mc_day Cloudy 13.9° - NNE NNE - 1009 hPa
10:00 - 11:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Light Rain Showers 14.4° - N N - 1010 hPa
11:00 - 12:00 mc_day Cloudy 15.2° - N N
1009 hPa
12:00 - 13:00 mc_day Cloudy 16.1° - N N
1009 hPa
13:00 - 14:00 mc_day Cloudy 17.2° - N N
1009 hPa
14:00 - 15:00 mc_day Cloudy 17.8° - NNW NNW
1008 hPa
15:00 - 16:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Light Rain Showers 16.9° 0.1 mm 17% WNW WNW
1009 hPa
16:00 - 17:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 16.1° 0.1 mm 17% WNW WNW
1009 hPa
17:00 - 18:00 mc_day Cloudy 15.9° - WNW WNW
1008 hPa
18:00 - 19:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Light Rain Showers 15.8° - W W - 1008 hPa
19:00 - 20:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Light Rain Showers 15.8° 0.1 mm 17% W W - 1008 hPa
20:00 - 21:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 15.6° 0.1 mm 17% W W - 1008 hPa
21:00 - 22:00 ovc_thun_dark Cloudy, Chance of Thunderstorms 15° 0.6 mm 17% W W - 1008 hPa
22:00 - 23:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 14.8° 0.5 mm 17% W W - 1008 hPa
23:00 - 00:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 14.6° 0.5 mm 17% W W - 1008 hPa
00:00 - 01:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 14.4° 0.6 mm 17% W W - 1008 hPa
01:00 - 02:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 14.2° 0.9 mm 17% W W - 1007 hPa
02:00 - 03:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 13.8° 0.6 mm 17% W W - 1007 hPa
03:00 - 04:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 13.5° 0.6 mm 17% W W - 1007 hPa
04:00 - 05:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Showers 13.3° 0.6 mm 17% W W - 1007 hPa
05:00 - 06:00 mc_rain_dark Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 13.2° 0.3 mm 17% W W - 1006 hPa
06:00 - 07:00 mc_rain Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 13.2° 0.1 mm 17% W W - 1007 hPa
07:00 - 08:00 mc_rain Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 13.5° 0.1 mm 17% W W - 1007 hPa
08:00 - 09:00 mc_rain Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 13.7° 0.2 mm 17% W W
1007 hPa
09:00 - 10:00 mc_rain Cloudy, Chance of Light Rain 14.2° 0.2 mm 17% W W
1007 hPa
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